creative mind.


holistic psychotherapy for artists

With heart in hand - a holistic, intuitive and culturally sensitive approach to healing and personal growth. grounded in psychosynthesis, holistic psychotherapy focuses on the relationship between mind, body and spirit, attempting to understand and address the ways issues in one aspect of a person’s life can lead to concerns in other areas. this deeper understanding of the whole self can often lend itself to greater self awareness, self-esteem, and self-acceptance.



letting the body be the guide.

While it is well-known that psychological stresses can manifest physically, common therapeutic treatment approaches focus on thoughts and emotions as the access point for healing.  Sensorimotor Psychotherapy was developed on the premise that painful emotions and unresolved trauma can be trapped in the body as implicit memories, inaccessible to verbal recall and as a result remain unintegrated, allowing us to react to present day events without realizing the influence of past experiences. 

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a novel, yet effective approach to healing.

Traumatic experiences big and small can have a profound effect on the way we relate and respond to the world around us, and can impact our thinking, emotions and physical responses to present day events. The responses to trauma exist on a spectrum ranging from healthy integration and resolution of traumatic stressors to full blown Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, where the thinking, emotional and physical responses to the traumatic stressor get "stuck" in our nervous system as we continue to respond to a threat that is no longer present.


creative arts therapy

used in conjunction with traditional therapies, positive psychology, and even as a stand alone intervention, creative arts therapy offers a variety of benefits. through improving self expression and communication, music therapy can help reduce anxiety and depression and invoke spiritual and emotional healing.



focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestions. through heightening focus and concentration, hypnosis can help to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as treat and reduce pain. hypnosis can be used as a psychological treatment to help experience changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts and behaviors, helping you lead a more happy and healthy life.